Helping to create competitive advantage
About us
We combine skills of effective dialogue with deep knowledge of our Clients’ business which allow us to develop optimal solutions. We care about the quality of our services, success of Clients and relationships that are forged by those successes.
The main pillar of our business is providing trainings, workshops, conferences, as well as B2B and A2B meetings aimed at raising legal awareness of entities operating on the Polish market.
We emphasize quality, efficiency and alignment with Client goals. Our core focus is to deliver to our Clients services when and where they want them and with the highest value they deserve.
Training on amendment to the PPL, Warsaw
On 29.09.2016 in Warsaw was held a training on amendments to the Public Procurement Law. The amendment is quite revolutionary, but the law firm Kancelaria Ziembiński & Partnerzy efficiently conducted training participants by this amendment.
Training on amendment to the PPL, Torun
On 08.09.2016 in Torun was held a training on amendments to the PPL. The amendments covered approx. 60% of the provisions, and are highly problematic. Their meaning was clearly explained by the team from Kancelaria Ziembiński & Partnerzy.
Training on amendment to the PPL, Warsaw
On 02.09.2016 in Warsaw was held the first training from the series of trainings on amendments to the Public Procurement Law. The first trained entrepreneurs already know how to fill in offers to obtain public procurements for own company.
Currently, the status is available exclusively in Polish language version. Please, visit us in few days – we will have the English language version of the status shortly.
Declaration of membership
Currently, the declaration of membership is available exclusively in Polish language version. Please, visit us in few days – we will have the English language version of the declaration of membership shortly.
The amount of fees depends on the number of employees. Currently, we have a promotional campaign - entrepreneurs, who submit a Declaration of membership to 31.12.2016 will be exempt from fees in the first year of membership to the Platform.